Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wikipedia- I'm a "poster" This was my first post to Wikipedia. I hope the editors decide to keep my thoughts, but I'm not holding my breath!

Here's what I wrote:00:03, 10 November 2008 (UTC)Technology in the classroom an Educators standpoint---- I agree with expanding instructional technology to the field of education, as long as the educators are fully trained and willing to use the technology. Teachers with computer experience are already using the technology available within their reach. There are so many teachers in the education system that are not comfortable with technology, that pushing it into the curriculum will be impossible. Proper instruction for the teachers should be the first step.
Retrieved from ""

1 comment:

Miss Luffy said...

I agree Jeannette. A lot of teachers find it difficult to adapt to new technology in the classroom. Today technology is readily available and very beneficial to all students. We are teaching students who may be applying for jobs that are not even created yet. Having them grow up using technology will have them more knowledgeable on the resources that are available.