Monday, November 24, 2008


WOW! I did it! Podcasting is not easy at first. I downloaded Skype;which proved to be useless after fighting to understand, and wasting precious days. I finally realized that Skype is more for online telecommunication. Then I tried Audacity, and was confused with uploading the podcast to my blog page, but finally I experienced success. (Not a moment to soon!) I created a podcast in Podomatic.
For the month of November, my 5th grade students have been reading a book report book. For their final project, I had them write a persuasive paper, and create a movie poster that would encourage others to read the book. To complete the project, I am having my students create a podcast so that they can share their book reports with others at school and at home via the internet. I have one student reading her excellent book report on my first podcast, and I am so proud of her efforts. I think you will enjoy listening.
Success at last! Jeannette


Hailey said...

Great job! Your students sounded very good on their podcasts (good reading). I bet they loved doing the project. I think it is great to incorportate technology whenever possible. Did the students give you feed back? Where they excited to participate?
I hope my podcast plays as easily as yours. I, too, used podOmatic. The student I had in my video really enjoyed participating. I did not video his face or use his name because I did not want to put him on the internet. However, next time I most likely will use some sort of permission to be taped form. Did you do this with your students?

har4410 said...

They were so excited to put their voice on the computer. They were afraid at first, but really got into it. I get permission from the beginning of the year for pictures, and internet useage. Most parents are OK with everything. Thanks for sharing!