Sunday, November 9, 2008

Using RSS

I was skeptical when I was first given the assignment to create an RSS feed. Not being very computer savvy, to say the least, I took the process one step at a time. I found that setting up this feed is very simple. I subscribed to sites such as,, and several personal sites such as the foodnetwork. I then spent my down time during the week checking only one site. What a difference than surfing. Surprisingly I was successful at creating an RSS feed.
As an educator, this weblog would be useful in the classroom. When I am using the digital projector in my classroom I am always nervous as to what will "pop-up" on the screen as I am going to a site. Using this space can create piece-of-mind, knowing exactly what will be in view for the students. Setting up a Theme Unit would also be made easier if an RSS feed was set up in advance. Instead of the students meandering through the Internet they can be looking at the sites that are chosen.
Hopefully with more practice, and patients I will teach my 5th graders an easier way to to navigate the Internet by using an RSS feed.

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